Archive For The “News” Category
One of the two things I learned at school and can still remember (the other was that Samuel Johnson had a cat called Hodge whom he fed on oysters and described as “a very fine cat indeed”) was that young hares in their first year are called leverets. With this fountain of General Knowledge to draw upon, it…
Following adverse consumer reaction and campaigns here on greyhares and on Facebook, Unilever has announced a rethink of the disastrous reformulation of its much loved 200 year old brand, Pears Transparent Soap. The Daily Mail of 7th January reports that “following a deluge of complaints, owners of the brand Hindustan Unilever Ltd which is based in Mumbai…
I strongly believe we are heading for one almighty battle. Millions and millions of pounds have been spent by the drugs industry in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. Much more money is being reaped as drugs (often of marginal benefit) are used in its management worldwide. With this scenario all was looking secure for the…
At precisely 10.12 last Saturday evening (5 December) we were launched. After delivering a brief speech wishing well to all those who navigated in and around the good ship greyhares, Jeanette Reid clicked the ‘blog visibility’ button and we went live. Jeanette, grey haired and grey mattered (an Oxford physics graduate of the early 1960s), had won…
I hate the term silver surfer. It sounds vaguely sleazy. In my imaginary sitcom “Silver Surfer” the lead is a Terry Thomas sort of character; a know-all brilliantined cad in bow tie or cravat and blazer, propping up the golf club bar (and played so well by Eric Idle in the Monty Python sketch) ….